Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Wow, where did the summer go??

It was fun, (Babe Ruth World Series, baby!) but not very "diet friendly" and I am almost in a panic with how I've let the uncontrolled eating creep back in. (here I am indulging at The Melting Pot)

Bad, Mary! Bad, Mary! Ok, no more self destructing, I am ready to roll! (mmmm, cinnamon roll....ACK!) I took the first step tonight in getting back on the program, and I emailed my JC consultant- my old, totally adorable, felt like I had bonded with her, consultant- Nicole. The fact is, I don't even know WHO my consultant is these days. At some point over the summer, I received a call from Bridget, I think, who told me she was stepping in for Nicole. But then my next call was from Claire, who told me that Nicole had been promoted, if only temporarily (??), and SHE would now be helping me. And I had given my cell phone number to NICOLE, while I was in Eureka, so she and I could have a meeting while I was away, but CLAIRE got a hold of my cell phone and called me numerous times while I was in Utah and I finally called back and asked that the cell phone calls cease and what do I get? ALL calls ceased!

I'm not BLAMING anyone, this is my doing that I have "fallen of the wagon" (and eaten everything along the side of the road),
(my dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. WOW!) but I am not completely thrilled with how this whole thing went down.

Anyhowwwww- I emailed Nicole and I have confidence that she will get back to me and we will get this all straightened out. (Are you confused? You see, I am a Jenny Direct member, which means I do everything from home, not from a center.)

So I did hit my goal of losing 25 pounds and wow, it felt great! As a mater of fact, I had lost 26 lbs and then I stumbled. I slowed up on the excercise, got out of my routine, took 3 trips/vacations (2 of which were unplanned) and probably let myself have too much slack this summer and pow- 5 lbs gained over the past month. I don't feel so great anymore. I look in the mirror and I see all 26 lbs. back. But I know that is not the reality of the situation and I am taking back the control. I AM IN CONTROL!
This is a new chapter. A new beginning. And I look forward to losing 25 MORE pounds!!

Here we go!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Almost there...

I will post again when I hit the 25 lb. mark. I am this close! :o)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Successful Camping! Week 13

I am happy to report that I still lost a half pound last week, even after consuming many toasted marshmallows (with the occasional graham cracker and chocolate), pancakes, chips, the best soft serve ice cream cone, and plenty of calorie rich drinks!

I also hiked to the falls, swam in the lake, set up a camp site, took down a camp site and walked back and forth to our "home base" camp many times. I guess it was enough to burn all those extra calories!

What is totally amazing to me is how much I looked forward to getting BACK ON THE DIET! I feel so in control and satisfied when I am on the program. I have also noticed that I feel fuller more quickly now, I have more energy, take fewer naps, wake easier in the morning. I feel so much better!

It's still hard when I catch a glimpse in a mirror and see just fat, or when the unflattering picture is taken and I think to myself, "you still have a long way to go, girl." But I feel confident that I will get there. 23 lbs is nothin' to sneeze at! :o)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week 12 Weigh In

As is normal, after a bummer week where I didn't stay very disciplined, I followed it up with a great week and lost 2 more pounds. Yay! This brings my total weight loss to 22.5 lbs. Can't wait to hit that 25 pound mark and go get a facial!

Next week is gonna be tough. Camping. Need I say more? Or should I say s'more?!

I'll keep ya posted!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 11 Weigh In

Have I really been at this for 11 weeks?? Wow.

I did not lose this week, nor did I gain. I am holding steady and determined to lose next week. It did not come as a huge surprise to have not lost this week. Quite frankly, I was surprised I didn't gain. After all, I did have Coldstone not once, but TWICE this week. Whoops!

This morning I took my first aqua aerobics class with my girlie, Michelle. (thanks, chelley!) It was really exhilarating! My foot has been bothering me lately and I have not been out walking a lot, because I know it will be painful. I decided to try this water class and I really enjoyed it. Michelle and I were definitely the young ones in the class (nice to be the young ones SOMEWHERE), making it totally un-intimidating and low key. But a great work out!

I have committed to continuing with the Jenny Craig program for life (or something like that) and if any of you are considering joining, please let me know. I have 50% off for 2 friends! I would love to support you and obviously, think highly of the program.

Have a great week and remember to drink lots of water- it's gonna be hot!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

I Did It!!! Week 10 Weigh In

This week I lost 2.5 lbs, making my total weight loss 20.5 lbs! I am so excited to have hit that 20 pound mark! I thought long and hard about my reward. I love the idea of shopping in the city, but that will have to wait. I have bought a few new things, but I don't really want to buy too much because I still have more weight to go and anything I buy at this point is hopefully just temporary. The girls' getaway sounds FABULOUS and I think I may plan something like that for when I hit 40 lbs- what do you think? You wanna go?? :)

I was getting a massage the other day (payed for by a nice, little bonus from work) and Josh asked me if that was my reward for losing the weight. Seeing as I hadn't quite hit the 20 pound mark yet, I said no- but I got to thinking. I should treat myself to a facial! I love facials, but rarely indulge, so I have decided that, since I did just get a massage, and I love a challenge, when I get to the 25 pound mark, I will make an appointment for a facial. Yay!

Changing the subject- some of you have mentioned that you weren't able to leave comments. Well, I had my settings restricted, but I have fixed it now so anyone should be able to comment. Give it a try!

Have a great week and Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there! (are there any men reading this??)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 9 Weigh In

Hey- are you diggin' the new tunes on my blog? Apparently I have too much time on my hands and am figuring out all kinds of new stuff for the blog! Is anyone even reading? Eh, who cares! It is good therapy for ME!

What? On with the weigh in? Ok, Ok....I gained a pound this week. Shoot! Honestly, I wasn't totally surprised. It was my first full week of no work (which means more sitting around than usual), Steve's birthday (which means cake- TWICE), and Sam's graduation (which means rewarding myself with food for raising such an awesome kid- see picture).

I have let myself stray from the program and have cut myself too much slack and the results are a gain. Sometimes I wonder how I'll ever maintain once I'm off the program....

I have decided the head games I am playing with myself over this diet are messing with my success and I am going to begin to just focus on what has worked thus far. Which, by the way, is STICKING TO THE PROGRAM- DUH!

Here's to strength, stamina and success in the week ahead!