Did you know that I get to eat cheesecake on this diet?? Seriously....cheesecake. I can have a piece everyday if I want. This is the best diet EVER! Cheesecake!!! I mean, if I am having a moment, I just think to myself, "no worries, you'll have your cheesecake soon and everything will be OK." Cheesecake.
Perhaps that's how I got here in the first place. I tend to make things all better with treats. And boy did I find that out plain and clear a couple of days ago! Josh and I had gotten into a heated argument and it ended with him saying some pretty hurtful stuff and me literally in tears. It was bad. And as I stomped around the kitchen not knowing quite how to handle myself, I got a mad urging for sweets. The box of Easter chocolates (See's, at that) was sitting in plain view and I'll be darned if I didn't walk right over as if to eat one (or 5)! I was CRAVING the goods. I looked around for what else I could shove in my mouth that might not do as much damage as the candy. I remember thinking, "what are you doing??", when it really hit me. I am a total emotional eater. I guess I've always known that, but I'm not sure I've ever really watched it play out in such detail right before my eyes! I was very aware of what was going on. And I stopped myself. I took a deep breath and really analyzed the situation. I am telling you, it was powerful.
Anyhow, I am just completing my second week on Jenny Craig and I absolutely LOVE this program! (after all, I get to eat cheesecake) I told someone yesterday it was the "lazy man's diet", but I would like to publicly take that back. There is nothing lazy about what I am doing. Granted, it sure makes it easier to have all of my meals (and desserts!) in the freezer, already prepared, BUT, I am working hard to stay in control. I am resisting urges to eat when I'm happy, sad, depressed, tired, etc. I am walking places instead of driving! I am going out with friends to the best restaraunts in town and ordering spinach salad. I am giving up Coke. I am trying to like Lattes instead of Mochas. These are big things, people. And I am doing it. Yay for me!
I weigh in tomorrow....I will let you know. :)
IHGB #373: Bachelor Grant Podcast – Hometowns
Hello, everyone! Well, our favorite week has finally arrived. Bachelor
Grant is going on four exciting hometown dates and Some Guy in Austin, and
I could...
1 day ago
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